
Get data extracted from invoices and receipts, with a simple API integration

Stop spending time manually typing the data or using traditional tools that don't work. Our "intelligent OCR" extracts all the relevant data from any invoice and receipt with an intuitive REST API

Intelligent Automation

Benefit from the latest developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning together with the best - of - breed OCR tools to unlock the value of the data contained in your invoices and receipts

Automate Data Extraction

Extract the basic fields of information that you need from the amounts to the IBAN numbers

Line items
Go one step further and get the different items and VAT rates from the document

Our self-learning technology allows extracting any information that you might need (PO number, UBL format, etc..)

Document Splitting & Classification

Automatically split the files into the different documents (invoices, receipts, contracts) that are contained

Automatically classify the documents by their type and send them to the right workflow in your process

Clean up
Our solution rotates & tilts the images before and after processing them, so you get a “machine-readable” file

Stats & Insights

Get insights in real-time of the activity and processing of the invoices and receipts

Monitor and analyze the performance of the data extraction API in terms of automation

Visualize the most relevant KPIs from the ML models to understand their impact


Use Cases

  • Snap and Pay Use Case

    Snap & Pay

  • Accounts Payable Use Case

    Account Payable

  • Personal Finance Management Use Case

    Expense Management

  • Intelligent Data Capture

    Automatic Bookkeeping

  • Factoring and Credit Use Case


Learn more